Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Saturday 15th June 2024

No incidents reported

Friday 14th June 2024

Infrastructure Small network outage in front of our datacenters

At 20:30 UTC, our monitoring registered a wave of network reconnections and downtime of IPSec tunnels for a few minutes.

We checked all the tunnels and restarted the ones that did not restart automatically. We checked the load balancers and did not see anything strange except the spike on reconnections.

After investigating, our probes revealed a very low rate of packets from the internet for 5 minutes.

Thursday 13th June 2024

No incidents reported

Wednesday 12th June 2024

No incidents reported

Tuesday 11th June 2024

No incidents reported

Monday 10th June 2024

No incidents reported

Sunday 9th June 2024

No incidents reported