Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Monday 10th June 2024

No incidents reported

Sunday 9th June 2024

No incidents reported

Saturday 8th June 2024

No incidents reported

Friday 7th June 2024

No incidents reported

Thursday 6th June 2024

Services Logs Logs drains: Delivery issue

We are encountering delivery issues with the Logs Drains platform. We are currently investigating the issue. Logs drains delivery may be delayed until this issue is resolved.

EDIT 09:30 UTC: We may have found the origin of the issue and implement a fix. We are monitoring the fix. Currently, logs drain are delivered without delay.

EDIT 14:09 UTC: The situation is now stable. Incident is closed.

Wednesday 5th June 2024

No incidents reported

Tuesday 4th June 2024

API Main API unavailability

Our main API was unavailable for a few minutes between 13:20 UTC until 13:23 UTC. We are looking into it. Deployments started during that period may be impacted.

EDIT 2024-06-04 13:32 UTC: The root cause has been found and fixed. Deployments that were started during that period may have failed. You should be able to retry them. Please contact our support team if you still face any issues.