Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Reverse Proxies [Global] Application load balancers software maintenance

Maintenance Window: 2024-05-22T09:00:00Z - 2024-05-24T20:00:00Z (UTC)


  • We will roll out software updates on every region of Clever Cloud for all application load balancers

Expected Impact:

  • Brief disconnections or connection drops during the upgrade process.
  • Potential minor performance fluctuations.

Additional Information:

  • Please report any issues with a method for reproducing the problem (e.g., curl command for application load balancer issues).

EDIT 13:06 UTC : We are beginning the rolling of the WSW region.

EDIT 15:00 UTC : We have updated the WSW region. We are beginning the rolling of SGP, MTL and SYD regions.

EDIT 16:25 UTC : We have updated the MTL region.

EDIT 17:00 UTC : We have updated the SYD and SGP region. Next region tomorrow

EDIT D+1 08:10 UTC : We will begin the update of MEA and GRA-HDS.

EDIT D+1 09:20 UTC : We have finished the update of GRA-HDS, we are beginning RBX and RBX-HDS. The rolling update of MEA is still running.

EDIT D+1 11:15 UTC : We have finished the update of MEA, RBX and RBX-HDS.

EDIT D+1 15:00 UTC : We are beginning the update of SCW and dedicated regions.

EDIT D+2 13:00 UTC :We have finished the update of SCW and dedicated regions. We will perform the update of the PAR regions and dedicated application load balancers on a new status here :

Tuesday 21st May 2024

No incidents reported

Monday 20th May 2024

No incidents reported

Sunday 19th May 2024

No incidents reported

Saturday 18th May 2024

No incidents reported

Friday 17th May 2024

No incidents reported

Thursday 16th May 2024

No incidents reported