Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Saturday 30th September 2023

No incidents reported

Friday 29th September 2023

Infrastructure Network instabilities

We are experiencing some network instabilities. We are investigating.

EDIT 02:55 PM UTC: the network instability has been fixed. Some customers may experiences a connection reset.

Thursday 28th September 2023

No incidents reported

Wednesday 27th September 2023

No incidents reported

Tuesday 26th September 2023

Infrastructure [PAR] Elevated rate of deployments for Monitoring/Unreachable reason

Some applications may have encountered an elevated rate of deployments with the monitoring/unreachable reason even if the applications were correctly reachable. A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the situation.

EDIT 14:46 UTC: This incident is no over. No more incorrect Monitoring/Unreachable alerts were emitted.

Access Logs Query latency

We are observing some latency to retrieve metrics and accesslogs from our storage layer. We are investigating.

EDIT 02:46 PM UTC: Latencies have been fixed by rebalancing data

EDIT 27/09 at 13:00 UTC: Queries were not available

EDIT 27/09 at 14:10 UTC: Queries are re-open

We continue to investigate

EDIT 27/09 at 16:10 UTC: Closing incident

Monday 25th September 2023

No incidents reported

Sunday 24th September 2023

No incidents reported