Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Saturday 8th July 2023

No incidents reported

Friday 7th July 2023

No incidents reported

Thursday 6th July 2023

No incidents reported

Wednesday 5th July 2023

Infrastructure Hypervisor lost on SYD region

20h15: We have lost our hypervisors on SYD region 20h30: Our infrastructure provider on SYD lost its connectivity 21h00: hypervisors are back online

Tuesday 4th July 2023

No incidents reported

Monday 3rd July 2023

Reverse Proxies [JED] Reverse proxies instabilities

We are currently experiencing issues on reverse proxies of the JED region. We are investigating them.

EDIT 16:44 UTC: The root cause has been identified and a fix has been applied. We are monitoring the results.

EDIT 16:50 UTC: The service is now operational.

Sunday 2nd July 2023

FS Buckets [PAR] FSBucket server timeout for some actions

An FSBucket server is currently being investigated for connection timeouts when mounting buckets. The problem has been partially identified and a first fix has been applied. Additional steps will be taken shortly to make sure everything is working as intended.

EDIT 10:49 UTC: The underlying issue has been fixed. Some applications may have had troubles mounting FSBuckets, writing or reading files stored on that server between 08:50 UTC and 10:25 UTC. Impacted applications are currently being redeployed out of caution (most of them successfully reconnected to the server after the fix has been issued).