Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Thursday 15th June 2023

Infrastructure One hypervisor in scaleway's DC is unresponsive

One hypervisor only responds to ping. It does not take new VMs anymore and does not delete VMs that should be deleted.

19:57 UTC: We are going to reboot it. Some databases (that run on this hypervisor) will become unresponsive for a few minutes.

20:18 UTC: Hypervisor has been rebooted. All services hosted on it have been checked: everything is up and running.

Logs show a kernel panic.

Services Logs Read-only live logs system storage layer

Live logs system storage layer falls in read-only mode. we are investigating the issue.

EDIT 09:30 UTC : Following the incident, the storage layer did not perform scheduled tasks.

EDIT 09:45 UTC : The storage layer is accepting write. Logging system is operating normally.

Infrastructure [Paris] Network connectivity issue

We are investigating a network connectivity issue towards our Paris region.

EDIT 00:27 UTC: The issue has been identified and fixed around 00:11 UTC. We continue identifying the impact on customer and internal services.

EDIT 01:00 UTC: We have identified services impacted by the incident and we have started to recover from the network issue. Identified impacted services are Metrics and access logs that are taking time to recover, others services should be working normally.

EDIT 02:30 UTC: Metrics and access logs are recovering from the network issue.

EDIT 04:00 UTC: Metrics and access logs are still recovering from the network issue. To follow, the incident you can go on

Access Logs Metrics and access logs network connectivity issue.

Following the incident, we are recovering the network connectivity issue

EDIT 06:05 UTC: The storage layer is now up and healthy. We are now consuming the ingestion lag, it should take a few hours to fully resolve. Queries are now available but will show outdated data. We will update this status accordingly.

EDIT 10:00 UTC: We've had a slower ingestion than initially anticipated so queries are still returning out of date data. We've made some adjustments and saw an increase in ingestion for the last hour. We will still need a few hours to fully consume the lag.

EDIT 15:00 UTC: The lag has been consumed, the metrics and access logs stack is operating normally.

Wednesday 14th June 2023

No incidents reported

Tuesday 13th June 2023

Infrastructure [PAR] An hypervisor is unreachable

The monitoring system has detected that an hypervisor is unreachable. We are investigating.

EDIT 08:32 UTC : We have found the issue and the hypervisor is rebooting

EDIT 08:50 UTC: The hypervisor has finished to reboot and services is working

Monday 12th June 2023

Infrastructure [PAR] An hypervisor rebooted

An hypervisor rebooted on the Paris zone. Impacted applications are redeployed on other servers. We are monitoring the situation.

EDIT 11:40 UTC: All impacted applications have been redeployed automatically. We will investigate further why this server rebooted. The incident is now over.

Sunday 11th June 2023

No incidents reported

Saturday 10th June 2023

No incidents reported

Friday 9th June 2023

No incidents reported