Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Friday 11th November 2022

No incidents reported

Thursday 10th November 2022

No incidents reported

Wednesday 9th November 2022

No incidents reported

Tuesday 8th November 2022

No incidents reported

Monday 7th November 2022

API Main API increased response time

We are currently having an increased response time on our main API ( Services relying on it are impacted and might experience extra time to answer to requests.

We are investigating the issue.

EDIT 14:26 UTC: The underlying issue has been identified and fixed. Services, including the Console and CLI should now be loading as usual. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sunday 6th November 2022

Access Logs Metrics / Access logs: ingestion issue

We are currently having ingestion issues on the metrics and access logs services. Data for the last 20 minutes is currently missing. We are investigating.

EDIT 11:23 UTC: Ingestion lag is now resolved, metrics and access logs should now be up-to-date.

Saturday 5th November 2022

No incidents reported