Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Friday 12th October 2018

No incidents reported

Thursday 11th October 2018

No incidents reported

Wednesday 10th October 2018

Infrastructure Dedicated MySQL addons unavailability

A human error caused an issue with the configuration of the add-ons reverse proxies at 12:18 UTC. MySQL dedicated add-ons were unavailable at this point, except for already open connections.

At 12:30 UTC, we found the cause of the issue.

At 12:32 UTC, the issue was fixed and we regenerated the reverse proxies configuration.

At 12:33 UTC, add-ons were available again.

We have put the necessary protections in place to prevent this from happening in the future.

Tuesday 9th October 2018

No incidents reported

Monday 8th October 2018

Deployments Deployments slowdown

Deployments actions (start, restart, stop, git push, ...) are slower than usual. We are looking into this.

13:09 UTC: We are going to restart one of the deployment core system. Deployments actions (like the one above) will be unavailable for up to 30 minutes. All actions will be queued and executed at the end of the maintenance.

13:40 UTC: Another problem occurred during the restart of that system. We are now trying to fix this one.

EDIT 14:03 UTC: Deployments are available since ~5 minutes now. We are still cleaning things up before closing this incident.

EDIT 14:30 UTC: Everything should be back to normal now. Sorry for the extra maintenance time and the deployments unavailability.

Sunday 7th October 2018

No incidents reported

Saturday 6th October 2018

No incidents reported