Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Monday 24th September 2018

No incidents reported

Sunday 23rd September 2018

No incidents reported

Saturday 22nd September 2018

MongoDB shared cluster MongoDB shared cluster: Performance issues

The shared cluster is experiencing performance issues. We are working to mitigate those issues.

Friday 21st September 2018

Deployments Deployments with cache are failing

Deployments using cache (build cache, dependencies cache) are failing because the cache can't be downloaded. We are investigating

EDIT 10:17 UTC: We are still working on the issue. If you have troubles deploying, you can set your application's scalability settings to which a dedicated build instance would use. Do not hesitate to ping our support if needed.

EDIT 10:25 UTC: ETA is 2 hours if everything goes well.

EDIT 12:30 UTC: The deployments with cache are back. Everything should work as expected from now. Sorry for any failed deployments or longer than expected deployment times.

Thursday 20th September 2018

No incidents reported

Wednesday 19th September 2018

No incidents reported

Tuesday 18th September 2018

No incidents reported