Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Thursday 3rd May 2018

SSH Gateway PHP Applications: SSH Gateway asks for a password

The SSH Gateway asks for a password for PHP application instead of letting you connect. We are investigating the issue.

EDIT 08:00 UTC: A new version of the PHP image has been released. Redeploying your application should be enough to SSH again to the machine

Access Logs Metrics unavailable

We have started a maintenance operation on a component of the Metrics cluster. This operation takes more time than expected.

Until it's over, Metrics are not available. Metrics agents on scalers should push the data when the service is back.

EDIT 15:14 UTC: Metrics are back since 15:12 UTC

Wednesday 2nd May 2018

No incidents reported

Tuesday 1st May 2018

No incidents reported

Monday 30th April 2018

No incidents reported

Sunday 29th April 2018

No incidents reported

Saturday 28th April 2018

No incidents reported

Friday 27th April 2018

No incidents reported