Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Reverse Proxies [Global] Application load balancers software maintenance

Maintenance Window: 2024-05-22T09:00:00Z - 2024-05-24T20:00:00Z (UTC)


  • We will roll out software updates on every region of Clever Cloud for all application load balancers

Expected Impact:

  • Brief disconnections or connection drops during the upgrade process.
  • Potential minor performance fluctuations.

Additional Information:

  • Please report any issues with a method for reproducing the problem (e.g., curl command for application load balancer issues).

EDIT 13:06 UTC : We are beginning the rolling of the WSW region.

EDIT 15:00 UTC : We have updated the WSW region. We are beginning the rolling of SGP, MTL and SYD regions.

EDIT 16:25 UTC : We have updated the MTL region.

EDIT 17:00 UTC : We have updated the SYD and SGP region. Next region tomorrow

EDIT D+1 08:10 UTC : We will begin the update of MEA and GRA-HDS.

EDIT D+1 09:20 UTC : We have finished the update of GRA-HDS, we are beginning RBX and RBX-HDS. The rolling update of MEA is still running.

EDIT D+1 11:15 UTC : We have finished the update of MEA, RBX and RBX-HDS.

EDIT D+1 15:00 UTC : We are beginning the update of SCW and dedicated regions.

EDIT D+2 13:00 UTC :We have finished the update of SCW and dedicated regions. We will perform the update of the PAR regions and dedicated application load balancers on a new status here :