Sunday 12th December 2021

Elasticsearch - log4j CVE-2021-44228: Add-ons will be restarted to mitigate an information leakage, scheduled 3 years ago

Elastic released a security bulletin regarding the impact CVE-2021-44228 has on Elasticsearch. Elastic recommends users to apply the -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true JVM option and restart Elasticsearch. More information in Elastic security bulletin:

We will apply this option on all add-ons and restart them as an emergency maintenance. For single node add-ons, this will trigger a short downtime of minimum 1 minute (the approximate time it takes Elasticsearch to boot). For clustered add-ons, no downtime is to be expected as it will be a rolling restart.

Newly created add-ons are already patched.

The restart of all add-ons will start at 15:00 UTC. Sorry for the short notice. Feel free to contact our support if you have any questions.

EDIT 15:05 UTC: Add-ons restart is starting

EDIT 16:10 UTC: Add-ons have been restarted. The maintenance is over.