Monday 17th June 2019

Deployments disabled for up to an hour, scheduled 5 years ago

Deployments will be disabled for up to an hour on Thursday 2019-06-20 starting at 10:00 UTC (12:00 CEST).

It should be quicker than that but if you do have deployments planned, make sure to start them well before the beginning of the maintenance.

EDIT 10:01 UTC: Maintenance is starting now, deployments are disabled.

EDIT 10:19 UTC: Deployments are enabled again.

EDIT 10:31 UTC: Deployments are disabled again. Dedicated reverse proxies for Clever Cloud APIs are out of sync, our APIs are down at the moment. We are working on it.

EDIT 10:39 UTC: Main API is back online.

EDIT 10:47 UTC: Reverse proxies are in sync, deployments are enabled again. We are cleaning up.

EDIT 10:53 UTC: Maintenance is over.