Tuesday 5th February 2019

Maintenance on our deployment system, scheduled 6 years ago

Our deployment system will be unavailable from 11:00 UTC up to 13:00 UTC on Wednesday, 6th of February.

All deployments actions will be queued and started once the deployment stack is back up. The maintenance shouldn't last longer than 2 hours.

Feel free to ask any question on our support regarding this maintenance.

EDIT 11:03 UTC: the maintenance will start soon. Deployments will be shutdown in a few minutes. Push actions on our GIT repositories are disabled.

EDIT 11:06 UTC: Deployments are shutdown

EDIT 11:20 UTC: Deployments should be back, we are still cleaning up things

EDIT 12:20 UTC: We have been keeping a close eye on deployments, everything is going smoothly. Maintenance is over.